Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Council Approved Budget by Appropriating up to $337,034.82 of the FY23 Excess EMS Fees from the Assigned Fund Balance to the Division of Fire & Rescue's Budget to Purchase Equipment for Fire/EMS Operations and the Fire Stations
The FY23 Excess EMS Fees totaling up to $337,034.82 will be used to purchase items that are not otherwise covered by general or grant funding.
1. AFG and other grant matches
2. Station appliance and furniture replacement and upgrades
3. Fire and EMS training and education equipment, computers, simulators, and supplies
4. EMS medical equipment, improved technology, and inventory control
5. Replacement body armor for members
6. ARC Explorer Tow-behind Sonar replacement
7. US Digital Designs Fire Station Alerting software contract
8. Other projects incapable of being funded by operating budget or grants
The allocation of funds will help support the needs of the Hampton Fire & Rescue Division.
The allocation is for up to $337,034.82.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia amends its Fiscal Year 2024 Council Approved Budget to appropriate up to $337,034.82 from the Assigned Fund Balance for FY23 Excess EMS Fees to the Division of Fire & Rescue's budget to purchase equipment for Fire/EMS operations and the fire stations.