Resolution Amending the FY20 Council Approved Budget and Appropriating $136,555.02 from the Health and Human Services (HHS) Cares Act Funds/Stimulus Payment to the Grant Fund
The Division of Fire and Rescue ("the Division") accepted a $136,555.02 HHS stimulus payment on 28 April 2020. The Division received this stimulus payment to assist with expenses or loss of revenue experienced during the Coronavirus pandemic. Funds were distributed by the Federal Government as part of the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. The amount received was determined by the amount of Medicare fee for service payments received during 2019. The monies are to be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to coronavirus. With acceptance of these funds we agree to not balance bill any patient that tests positive for COVID-19 any amounts in excess of what insurance pays.
This allocation of funds will help to cover the excess costs of the Fire and Rescue Division during this Coronavirus pandemic. The allocation is for $136,555.02
WHEREAS, the Federal Government has awarded the City of Hampton, Virginia a Health and Human Services (HHS) CARES Act Provider Relief Fund/Stimulus Payment in the amount of $136,555.02;
WHEREAS, the HHS Stimulus Payment award requires no local match;
WHEREAS, the HHS Stimulus Payment which totals $136,555.02 will be used by the City of Hampton--Division of Fire & Rescue to prevent, prepare and respond to Coronavirus.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hampton, Virginia hereby amends its Fiscal Year 2020 Council Approved Budget to accept and appropriate the HHS CARES Act Provider Relief Fund/Stimulus Payment in the amount of $136,555.02 to the Grant Fund for the purpose of preventing, preparing and responding to calls related to Coronavirus.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Cou...
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