Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the City Code of the City of Hampton, Virginia by Enacting Chapter 21, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article I, In General, Sec 21-19 to Authorize Traffic Light Signal Photo-Monitoring Systems
This Ordinance, if adopted, will authorize the City Manager to implement a program of traffic signal enforcement through photo-monitoring systems, more commonly known as red-light cameras. Localities are authorized by Virginia Code 15.2-968.1 to have red light cameras at one intersection for every 10,000 residents, meaning Hampton could currently have red light cameras at up to 13 intersections. Intersections will be selected based on criteria provided for in the Virginia Code. Specifically, the City Manager may consider the accident rate of an intersection, the rate of red light violations occurring at an intersection, the difficulty experienced by law-enforcement officers in patrol cars or on foot in apprehending violators, and the ability of law-enforcement officers to apprehend violators safely within a reasonable distance from the violation. As currently provided in the Virginia Code, red light cameras may be used to monitor violations of red lights only, including running a red light and turning right on red when prohibited by appropriate signage. When a driver is convicted of a violation on the basis of evidence obtained from a red light camera, they are subject to a fine of no more than $50.00. Furthermore, the conviction does not result in any points being added to their driving record and cannot be used to deny insurance coverage.
Adopt the Ordinance.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia, that Section 21-19 of Article I, Chapter 21 of the City Code of the City of Hampton, Virginia be adopted to read as follows:
Article I - IN GENERAL
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Sec. 21-19. - Traffic light signal photo-monitorin...
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