Rezoning Application No.24-0329 by Trilogy Developers, LLC to Rezone +12.45 Acres at 1232 W. Queen Street and Adjacent Properties [LRSNs 2000218, 2000219, 2000220, 2000221, 2000222, 2000223, 2000224, 2000225, 2000226, and 2000227] from One Family Residential (R-11) District to Multifamily Residential (MD-4) District and Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) District with Proffered Conditions
Background Statement:
Rezoning Application No. 24-0329 is a request to rezone 1232 W. Queen Street [LRSN 2000225] and LRSNs: 2000218, 2000219, 2000220, 2000221, 2000222, 2000223, 2000224, 2000226, and 2000227 to develop a commercial parcel on W. Queen Street with a townhouse subdivision behind. The property is currently zoned One Family Residential (R-11) District. To facilitate the proposed development, the applicant proposes rezoning the +0.7 acres on W. Queen Street to the Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) District and the remaining +11.8 acres to the Multifamily Residential (MD-4) District.
The applicant is the same developer and builder as is undertaking the townhouse portion of the former Lincoln Park site. The proffered conditions include a concept plan, building elevations, and exterior building materials. With respect to the commercial piece of the development, the building would be tailored to the end user, while the proffers limit uses to day care, day spa, offices, print shop, retail, and restaurant.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends low density residential use for the subject property. Low density residential is defined as between 3.5 and 9 units per acre. Further policies related to this land use application include assuring compatibility with neighboring uses and high-quality site and building design appropriate for the particular site.
At Planning Commission a neighbor to the subject property spoke with concerns about privacy and requesting screening from the proposed development.
Staff Recommendation:...
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