Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Council Approved Budget to Accept and Appropriate the FY 2023 Operation Ceasefire Grant Program-Commonwealth's Anti Violence Initiative and Resources (CAVIAR) Program - Prosecution Grant Awarded by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
The purpose of this resolution is to accept and appropriate state grant funds to allow the Commonwealth's Attorney to advance efforts to prevent, intervene and provide enforcement of gun violence in the city of Hampton, Virginia.
The Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office is continuously dedicated to reducing violence and crime within the community. The Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office is committed to addressing the epidemic of gun violence and other violent crime that has taken the lives of many individuals in the City of Hampton. Therefore, The Commonwealth’s Attorney Office is seeking funding to assist in the launch of several components of Operation Ceasefire for the City of Hampton. According to Neighborhoodscout.com, the chances of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Hampton, Virginia is 1 in 37. Most of these individuals involved in violence are disconnected from social support, unemployed, not in school, and have been exposed to trauma - all significant risk factors for being a victim or perpetrator of gun violence. For example, a study that examined 500 African American youth in Hampton Roads, Virginia found that direct exposure to violence was the best predictor of whether an individual would later engage in gun-related crimes. The current grant is on a calendar year cycle and must be reviewed each year.
The acceptance of this prosecution program will allow the Commonwealth's Attorney to establish a position for a dedicated Program Coordinator to develop and present educational programs and learning activities to provide information about public safety, crime prevention, and Operation Ceasef...
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