Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 City Council Approved Budget to Appropriate $262,800 from the Steam Plant Unrestricted Net Position to the Steam Plant Operating Budget to Fund a Facility Condition Assessment and Improvement Study
The purpose of this resolution is to provide funding for an assessment of the existing conditions of the Hampton Steam Plant; and to provide engineering recommendations for Plant improvements and alternative opportunities to use excess steam and improve efficiency.
Additionally, this assessment will help to better understand and evaluate possible alternatives to expand the Plant; and/or whether to provide utility services to other facilities in the area, such as the Langley Air Force Base, and sell power back to Dominion Energy. This Plant is owned by NASA, but the City of Hampton (the “City”) is under a 10-year agreement to operate and maintain the Plant. This assessment will require input from both the City and other NASA stakeholders.
The consultant engaged to conduct the assessment will evaluate information gathered during the site investigation and data collection phase and will develop an engineering analysis to identify the existing condition of the Steam Plant assets and overall health of the facility and develop a comprehensive list of recommendations for equipment replacement and/or structural modifications required to maintain operation.
As of January 31, 2024, the balance of the Steam Plant Retained Unrestricted Net Position is $2,545,288. After the $262,800 appropriation to complete a condition assessment and improvement study, the balance of the Steam Plant Net Position will be $2,282,488.
WHEREAS, the Hampton Steam Plant has identified the need to complete a facility condition assessment and improvement study;
WHEREAS, the condition assessment and improvement stu...
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