Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Council Approved Budget to Accept and Appropriate the 2023 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment ("RSAT") Program Grant awarded by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
The RSAT Grant Program supports local and regional programs that provide direct services in a local or regional jail or aftercare programs involved population in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These RSAT grant funds will provide the options to apply for a planning grant to establish evidence-based residential substance use treatment programs that include Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services in either a local or regional jail or as an aftercare component in collaboration with a Community Services Board (CSB) or a community nonprofit organization. MAT is the use of medications such as Buprenorphine, Methadone, or Naltrexone, coupled with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders. MAT is primarily used to treat addiction to opioids such as heroin and prescription pain relievers that contain opiates.
The 2023 RSAT Program Grant proceeds will be utilized to plan the implementation of a RSAT program for inmates housed within the Sheriff's Office facilities for a period of one year.
The federal grant award is $30,000, with a required local cash match of $10,000. The cash match will be funded from the Sheriff's Office operating budget for a total grant award of $40,000.
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has awarded the 2023 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment ("RSAT") Program Grant in the amount of the $30,000 in federal funding;
WHEREAS, the 2023 RSAT Program Grant award requires a local cash match of $10,000;
WHEREAS, the combined funds of the 2023 RSAT Program Grant award and the required local cash match, which total $40,000, ...
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