Rezoning Application No. 23-0313 by Riverside Hospital, Inc. to Rezone a Parcel, Totaling +/- 13.8 Acres, from Multiple Residential (R-M) District and Limited Commercial (C-2) District to Limited Commercial (C-2) District with Conditions at 2244 Executive Drive [LRSN: 7001882]
Background Statement:
This is a rezoning application by Riverside Hospital, Inc. to rezone the existing Riverside Behavioral Health & Recovery Center from Multiple Residential (R-M) District and Limited Commercial (C-2) District to Limited Commercial (C-2) District with conditions. This item is in conjunction with Use Permit Application No. 23-0314, which is a request to permit the mental health/substance abuse treatment facility at the subject location.
The applicant proposes to add an addition to the existing Riverside Mental Health & Recovery Center, which is operated as a mental health/substance abuse treatment facility. The existing facility is currently split-zoned Multiple Residential (R-M) District and Limited Commercial (C-2) District, with the entire facility located within the R-M District. Currently, the existing use is legally nonconforming as the R-M District does not permit the mental health/substance abuse treatment facility use.
In order to bring the use into conformance with the current zoning regulations, the property is required to be rezoned to a zoning district that permits the desired use. Limited Commercial (C-2) District permits mental health/substance abuse treatment facility subject to an approved Use Permit.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with five (5) proffered conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with five (5) proffered conditions