Ordinance To Amend And Re-Enact The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Hampton, Virginia by Amending Section 1-18 Entitled “Fence and Wall regulations” Pertaining to Fence Height Regulations in Residential, Multi-family, and Residential-Transition Districts and Certain Use Exclusions
Background Statement:
Current fence and wall height regulations in the Zoning Ordinance restrict the height of fences, screens, walls, hedges, or thick growths of shrubs or trees to six (6) feet in the side or rear yards and four (4) feet in the front yard in all of the Residential, Multi-Family, and Residential-Transition Districts. While this restriction is suitable for most uses allowed in our residential districts, there are a few uses that are allowed in these districts that would benefit from a greater front yard height maximum: commercial communication tower, utility infrastructure/structure to house a government function, and utility building/substation. While these uses are not “residential,” by their nature they may be necessary in a residential area in order to provide a service or utility. A greater maximum height would help ensure greater security of the use and safety for citizens, as some of these uses may be dangerous if tampered with either purposefully or accidentally. For example, the commercial communication tower approved at 1821 Cemetery Lane is located in a residential district and will house significant powerful electrical equipment. Under the current regulations, the fence height is limited to four (4’) feet in the front, making it easy for someone to enter the compound. If someone were to enter this area unauthorized, the individual could injure themselves or cause interruptions and impacts to communications from the tower. Some elements of the equipment, being made of various metals, may also be attractive for stealing.
Commercial communication towers require a use permit, and utility building/substation both require some sort of Planning Co...
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