Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of $1,246,897 from the Fund Balances of the General Fund, Fleet Services Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Economic Development Fund to fund Certain Additional Expenditures
The City Charter requires City Council to approve any appropriation of additional revenues.
General Fund
The City has been in the process of implementing the Kronos time management system and is about 41% complete. It has been determined that in order to complete the implementation in a timely manner, an additional $100,000 is needed to secure hourly employees to cover the regular duties of permanent staff on the implementation team. Therefore, we are asking Council to appropriate $100,000 in Fiscal Year 2018 from the General Fund Committed Fund Balance- Departmental Savings to support completing the implementation of the Kronos time management system.
Fleet Services Fund
The Fleet Services Fund received $355,897 in higher than anticipated revenue to perform maintenance on the City’s fleet than budgeted for Fiscal Year 2017. These revenues are automatically added to the Fleet Services Fund Net Position and must be appropriated by Council so that the expenses associated with these revenues can be paid.
Risk Management Fund
The Risk Management Fund experienced higher than anticipated claims than budgeted in Fiscal Year 2017. Therefore, we are asking that Council appropriate $691,000 from the Risk Management Fund Net Position to set these funds aside to cover these new claims in future fiscal years.
Economic Development Fund
It has been determined by Economic Development Department staff that it would enhance the City’s efforts to pursue the Council’s Economic Growth strategic initiative to invest in enhanced business attraction marketing efforts. Therefore, we are requesting that Council appropriate $100,000 from the Economic Development Fund Balance to support Enhanced Business Attraction Marketing...
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