Use Permit Application No. 24-0530 by Pinewood Apartments Owner LLC et al to Permit Multifamily Dwellings at 2 Tall Pine Drive and an Unaddressed Parcel on W. Queen Street [LRSNs: 3004827, 3004828]
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 24-0530 is a request to construct and operate multifamily dwelling units at 2 Tall Pine Drive and an unaddressed parcel on W. Queen Street. The property is currently zoned Limited Commercial (C-2) District with conditions, which allows residential apartments with an approved use permit, and falls in the Coliseum Central Overlay (O-CC) District. More specifically, the proposed multifamily residential project includes the addition of 51 new multifamily dwelling units within one (1) new four-story multifamily building located on the northwest portion of the Pinewood Apartments property. The new building would increase the total number of dwelling units of the existing Pinewood Apartments to 115 dwelling units. A new entrance would provide access from Power Plant Parkway and the existing parking area would be redesigned to include approximately 76 new parking spaces, totaling 207 parking spaces for the overall site, including two (2) new Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations and two (2) new double dumpster enclosures. Proposed community amenities include an indoor fitness center, and a community room, outdoor grilling/picnic area with covered pavilion and a dog park, including five (5). Additional details of the proposed development can be found in the application and staff report.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) and the Coliseum Central Master Plan (2015, as amended) both recommend mixed-use land use for the subject property. Master Plan recommendations include encouraging new high-quality residential development in appropriate forms that relate to neighboring land uses and in walkable mixed-use districts and dense and upscale rental residential units that include a diverse mix of u...
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