Resolution to Request the Virginia Department of Transportation Program the Citywide Emergency Vehicle Preemption Project into Its Six-Year Improvement Plan, to Amend the City Manager's Council Approved Budget to Incorporate that Project, to Appropriate $178,788 in CMAQ Funds for the Project, and to Authorize the City Manager or Her Designee to Execute any Necessary Agreements
The Hampton Roads Transportation Operations Subcommittee (“HRTO”) endorsed a project titled “Hampton Roads Regional Opticom Preemption Strategic Plan and Deployment” in 2008. This project would create a blueprint for regional Emergency Vehicle Preemption (“EVP”) standards and provide funding for installing preemption on priority corridors. An application for regional Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (“CMAQ”) funding was approved, and a total of $1.6 million was allocated to that project.
The HRTO has discussed the EVP project over the last few years, including a meeting where the Virginia Department of Transportation (“VDOT”) stated that they would not be able to manage the project on a regional level. At its June, 2017 HRTO Subcommittee meeting, the committee voted to split evenly the money allocated to the EVP project among the cities that can handle the project and still want to receive their respective share of the funds. This had the effect of transitioning what would have been a VDOT administered, region-wide project to a locally administered project.
The HRTO also voted to set-aside an allocation for Poquoson and then split the remaining funds equally between each participating locality. Based on that action, the split is: $18,000 for Poquoson and $204,000 each for Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and VDOT. Those new individual local projects will receive funding from the existing Regional project on the condition that each Locality chooses to accept these funds. Once the allocations...
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