Resolution Approving the City of Hampton, Virginia's Participation in and Appropriation of the 2016 Continuum of Care (CoC) Planning Grant through the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
The Greater Virginia Peninsula Homelessness Continuum (GVPHC) serves as the local Continuum of Care (CoC) and as such has the ability to apply for and receive Federal and State grants. Grant funding is received for the Greater Virginia Peninsula region. This region includes the cities of Hampton (Lead Agency), Newport News, Williamsburg, Poquoson and the counties of York and James City. The region is labeled as VA505. Grants are used for the sole purpose of ending homelessness in the region. This specific grant is designed by HUD for regional planning activities and data collection that supports the reduction of homelessness.
(See Hampton City Council File No.17-0160; Resolution adopted May 10, 2017)
With grant funding from State and Federal governments and from localities, the regional body known as the GVPHC/VA505 has reduced overall homelessness by 45% and was instrumental in ending chronic veteran homelessness in Virginia. The GVPHC continues to see a steady decrease in regional homeless numbers and consistently receives higher bench mark scores than neighboring CoCs.
As a regional body, matching funds for grants are leveraged from other localities. No matching funds are required from the City of Hampton for this grant. The city will not incur any financial burden related to this grant request. The total grant amount is $58,754.
This grant impacts the Federal Strategic Plan to reduce/end homelessness and is also directly related to the regional 10 year plan to end homelessness. The regional CoC has adopted the vision that homelessness will be rare, brief and non-recurring. This planning grant allows the GVPHC to gather data and provides guidance in determining how to proceed as a sys...
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