Comprehensive Plan Amendment To The Hampton Community Plan (2006, As Amended) By The City Of Hampton To Update The Land Use Policies And Associated Map For Certain Magruder Boulevard Corridor Parcels Within Langley Research And Development Park [LRSNs 13000969, 6000986, 6000985, 6000987, 6000996, 6001303, And 6000977] Known As 17, 18, 21, 22, 36, And 104 Research Drive, And 3209 Commander Shepard Boulevard, Respectively Totaling 16.5+/- Acres
Background Statement:
Through in-depth conversations with representatives from the Langley Research and Development Park Association, Planning Commission, and the Economic Development Authority (collectively forming the "Stakeholder Group"), City staff has been exploring ideas to expand the list of permitted uses within the business park. All parties agreed on the basic premise that the list of permitted uses in the park should be expanded in order to enhance its competitiveness as a business/industrial/research park. Part of the analysis included investigating other business/industrial parks in the region (e.g. Oyster Point Business Park in Newport News and Harbour View Business Park in Suffolk) to compare their permitted land uses to what is currently permitted in Langley Research and Development Park. This research of other localities provided valuable information as to how to proceed with a broader spectrum of uses which would assist in making Langley R&D properties a more attractive investment and job creation location.
Staff’s recommendation contains several companion components, all of which would accomplish the desired objectives expressed by the Stakeholder Group. The first component is an amendment to the Land Use section of the Hampton Community Plan (2006 as amended), which would designate specific parcels of land as appropriate for commercial uses that would serve the support and convenience needs of the occupants of the park. Specifically, such parcels, comprising approximately 16.5+ acres,...
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