Meeting Name: City Council Work Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/12/2016 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-0347 11.Briefing on the proposed Hampton Aquatics Center.BriefingBriefing on the proposed Hampton Aquatics Centerpresented  Action details Not available
16-0335 12.Will's BCC DiscussionBriefingDiscussion of Boards and Commissions Practicespresented  Action details Not available
16-0317 13.Closed - October 12Closed Session - MotionClosed session pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 2.2-3711.A.1, .3, .5 and .7 to discuss appointments as listed on the agenda; to discuss or consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or the disposition of publicly held real property in the areas of Buckroe, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the city; to discuss a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business’ or industry’s interest in locating or expanding its facilities in Hampton; to discuss actual or probable litigation and to consult with legal counsel employed or retained by the City pertaining to terms and conditions of a proposal for development of a public facility.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-0211 14.BRREA AppointmentAppointmentConsideration of appointments to the Board of Review of Real Estate Assessments   Action details Not available
16-0215 15.Hampton-Newport News CSB AppointmentsAppointmentConsideration of appointments to the Hampton-Newport News Community Service Board   Action details Not available
16-0222 16.Peninsula Stadium Authority AppointmentAppointmentConsideration of appointments to the Peninsula Stadium Authority   Action details Not available
16-0283 17.Planning Commission AppointmentAppointmentConsideration of appointment to Planning Commission   Action details Not available
16-0292 18.Athletic Hall of Fame AppointmentAppointmentConsideration of appointments to Athletic Hall of Fame   Action details Not available
16-0295 19.Animal Control AppointmentAppointmentConsideration of appointments to Animal Control Advisory Committee   Action details Not available
16-0297 110.Golf Course Advisory CommitteeAppointmentConsideration of appointments to Golf Course Advisory Committee   Action details Not available
16-0302 111.Hampton Federal Area Development Authority (HFADA) AppointmentAppointmentConsideration of appointments to Hampton Federal Area Development Authority (HFADA)   Action details Not available
16-0341 112.Arts ApptAppointmentConsideration of appointments to Hampton Commission on the Arts   Action details Not available
16-0343 213.Youth CommissionAppointmentConsideration of appointments to Youth Commission   Action details Not available
16-0351 114.Closed Session ResolutionClosed Session - CertificationResolution Certifying Closed SessionapprovedPass Action details Not available