Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/20/2025 3:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0092 1 March Planning Commission Cover MemoBriefingCover Memo for the March Planning Commission Meeting   Not available Not available
25-0066 1 January PC MinutesMinutesJanuary 16, 2025 Planning Commission Minutes   Not available Not available
24-0526 1 Rezoning - 3200 Neil Armstrong PkwyZoning Ordinance - MapRezoning Application No. 24-0526 by Magruder Holdings, LLC to Rezone +/-5.29 Acres at 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway [LRSN: 6000997] from General Commercial (C-3) District with Conditions to Langley Business Park (LBP) District with Conditions for a Mixed-Use Commercial Development   Not available Not available
25-0010 1 Rezoning 1616 N Armistead Avenue Multi-FamilyZoning Ordinance - MapRezoning Application No. 25-0010 by Franklin Johnston Group Management & Development, LLC to Rezone +/-16.9 Acres at 1616, 1616B, and 1612 N Armistead Avenue [LRSN: 7000335, 7000336, and 7000337] from One Family Residential (R-11) District to Multifamily Residential (MD-4) District with Conditions for a Multifamily Development   Not available Not available
25-0076 2 Rezoning 1644 Briarfield RoadZoning Ordinance - MapRezoning Application No. 25-0076 by the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority to Rezone +/- 0.795 Acres at 1644 Briarfield Road [LRSN: 1007646] from Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with Conditions to Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with Conditions for a Group Home, Juvenile Residence, or Shelter   Not available Not available
24-0527 1 Use Permit - Storage Facility 2Use PermitsUse Permit Application No. 24-0527 by Magruder Holdings, LLC to Permit a Storage Facility 2 on a Portion of 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway [LRSN: 6000997]   Not available Not available
24-0528 1 Use Permit - Retail Site AUse PermitsUse Permit Application No. 24-0528 by Magruder Holdings, LLC to Permit Retail Sales, General on a Portion of 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway [LRSN: 6000997]   Not available Not available
24-0529 1 Use Permit - Retail Site BUse PermitsUse Permit Application No. 24-0529 by Magruder Holdings, LLC to Permit Retail Sales, General on a Portion of 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway [LRSN: 6000997]   Not available Not available
24-0530 2 Use Permit - Pinewood ApartmentsUse PermitsUse Permit Application No. 24-0530 by Pinewood Apartments Owner LLC et al to Permit Multifamily Dwellings at 2 Tall Pine Drive and an Unaddressed Parcel on W. Queen Street [LRSNs: 3004827, 3004828]   Not available Not available
25-0011 1 UP 1616 N Armistead Avenue Multi-FamilyUse PermitsUse Permit Application No. 25-0011 by Franklin Johnston Group Management & Development, LLC to Permit Multifamily Dwellings at 1616, 1616B, and 1612 N Armistead Avenue [LRSN: 7000335, 7000336, and 7000337]   Not available Not available
25-0079 1 125 N Fourth St STRUse PermitsUse Permit Application by Jason Valentine to Permit a Short-Term Rental (STR) at 125 N Fourth St [LRSN: 12006962]   Not available Not available
25-0089 1 March 2025 Youth Planner ReportBriefingMarch 2025 Youth Planner Report to the Planning Commission   Not available Not available