Use Permit Application No. 18-00008 by Pastor Melvin Austin to Permit a Commercial Day Care 2 Use For An Adult Day Care At 457 Fox Hill Rd Within Existing Classrooms in New Bethel Cathedral Church of God in Christ [LRSN: 11000566]
Background Statement:
This is a use permit application by Pastor Melvin Austin to permit a Commercial Day Care 2 use for an adult day care at 457 Fox Hill Rd. [LRSN: 11000566]. The adult day care will operate inside 2,176 sq. ft. of existing classroom space within New Bethel Cathedral Church of God in Christ. The proposed day care would be in operation 7:00AM-3:00PM Monday through Friday, with the possibility of expanding their hours over time. Staff is recommending a condition permitting hours of operation Monday through Saturday 6:00AM-7:00PM because it will allow for future operational flexibility and align with other daycare establishments that have been permitted through the use permit process. The proposed establishment would assist up to 60 adults with disabilities or special needs, teaching them life skills and taking them on social outings.
The subject site is zoned Single-Family Residential (R-11) District and located within the Flood Zone (O-FZ) overlay. The surrounding properties are also zoned for residential uses.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends public/semipublic uses for the subject property and residential for the surrounding area. The policies within Hampton’s Community Plan related to this request signify the importance of Hampton supporting educational activities while also promoting high quality day care, community services, and facilities to help those with special needs or disabilities. The addition of an adult day care will help to support the mission and goals of Hampton.
Staff has identified several appropriate conditions based on the proposed use’s operational characteristics. Staff is recommending conditions on licensing and record keeping as well as hours of...
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