Resolution Endorsing the Hampton-Langley Air Force Base Joint Land Use Study Addendum: Resiliency and Adaptation
The City of Hampton passed a resolution in August 2010 adopting the Hampton-Langley Joint Land Use Study (JLUS). While this particular addendum focuses on base resilience, the JLUS in general is a cooperative planning document between a locality and active military installation, with a purpose of reducing potential conflicts between the military installation and the locality. Much work has come from the 2010 JLUS, including the adoption of Air Installation Compatible Use Zones in the Zoning Ordinance that designate noise impact contours, Accident Potential Zones, and the Clear Zone. The City goes to great lengths to ensure compatible development in these areas, including purchasing properties in the Clear Zone and Accident Potential Zones to clear them for safety purposes.
This is a resolution to adopt an addendum to the 2010 JLUS focusing on resilience and adaptation. Langley is at increased risk from sea level and recurrent flooding, and the Department of Defense is supportive of future JLUS efforts across the country to include resilience as part of the study. This update was funded by the Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment for that purpose. The addendum takes a close look at what is required for Langley to remain mission-ready, including the systems, partners, and resources that are necessary to make missions run smoothly. The project team explored the vulnerabilities in those systems, including the physical base itself, and opportunities for enhanced resiliency where needed. The last section of the document provides twenty-nine recommendations for further work to undertake to make sure Langley remains an active, resilient base in the City of Hampton.
Council will be briefed on this item by City staff in the afternoon work session and representatives of Langley Air Force...
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