Use Permit Application No. 18-00005 by Lankford and Joyce Blair to Permit a Bed and Breakfast 2 at 232 South Armistead Avenue [LRSN: 2001912]
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 18-00005 is a request to permit the operation of a bed and breakfast 2 at 232 South Armistead Avenue [LRSN 2001912]. The applicants are currently operating an approved bed and breakfast at this location, and are seeking a use permit to additionally allow events at their bed and breakfast. This is allowable based on a Zoning Ordinance Amendment passed in March 2018 to create the use of bed and breakfast 2.
The applicants propose to maintain the same number of guestrooms they currently operate, 3, and to allow for small events inside the bed and breakfast only. The applicants seek to accommodate wedding ceremonies, but the use permit would allow other events as well.
The property is zoned One-Family Residential (R-11) District which allows for a bed and breakfast 2 with an approved use permit.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends mixed-use development for the subject parcel and the properties to the north and east where single family neighborhoods transition into downtown. The location of this property on South Armistead Avenue just outside downtown is appropriate for a bed and breakfast with events.
Staff recommends thirteen (13) conditions be attached to the use permit to mitigate potential adverse impacts to surrounding properties and ensure compliance with applicable codes and ordinances. These conditions include requiring a property owner or manager to reside on the property, that events are conducted indoors only, requiring sufficient parking during events, and limiting capacity among others.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with 13 conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with 13 conditions