Use Permit Application No. 18-00004 by Sandra Mitcham to Permit a Commercial Day Care 2 at 1184 and 1186 Big Bethel Road (LRSN: 4002763)
Background Statement:
Use Application No. 18-00004 by Sandra Mitcham is a request to permit the operation of a commercial Day Care 2 at 1184 and 1186 Big Bethel Road, which is part of the Hampton Woods Plaza shopping center. The City of Hampton Zoning Ordinance permits day care facilities in the Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) District, with the approval of a use permit. The property also falls into the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (O-AICUZ).
The proposed child care center would operate inside a 2,000 square foot existing building. The applicant has requested 48 children with 8 staff for the proposed day care; however, per the International Building Code, the location of the proposed day care can accommodate roughly 37 occupants. While the applicant proposes hours of operation Monday through Saturday from 6:00AM to 12:00AM, City staff recommends expanding the potential hours of service from 5:00AM to 1:00AM from Monday through Sunday. These expanded hours allow future operational flexibility and align with another nearby day care establishment’s permitted hours.
The traffic circulation plan has been reviewed by City staff, who determined that the addition of another day care to this location should have negligible impacts on neighborhood traffic patterns when operated under the proposed conditions. The site has ample drop-off/pick-up queuing space on site in addition to parking that is in excess of the day care requirement.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends commercial uses for the subject property and the proposed day care is consistent with the Plan, which recommends the creation of an environment that will nurture children in the community. The Plan also recommends providing high quality community services and facilities, as well as facilitating a greater partnership in the wo...
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