Use Permit Application by Red Moon Partners, L.L.C., to Operate a Self-Storage Component of a Proposed Mixed-Use Development to Include Indoor Shooting Range, Self-Storage, Modeling & Simulation/Office, General Retail, and Restaurant with and without Drive-thru
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 19-00006 is a request to operate a self-storage component of a proposed multi-use development, which would also include an indoor shooting range, modeling & simulation/office, general retail, and restaurant with and without a drive-thru. The properties are located at 3200 Magruder Blvd. [LRSN 6000997] and 36 Research Drive [LRSN 6000996], which are located within the Langley Research and Development Park. This application accompanies Rezoning Application No. 19-00003 for all the proposed uses. Approval of this application and the accompanying Rezoning Application No. 19-00003 and Use Permit Application No. 19-00005, for an indoor shooting range.
The three (3) applications are tied together and staff’s analysis and recommendations are based on an understanding of the project as a single development that integrates multiple uses and multiple buildings. This proposal is appropriate for this location because it is a different dynamic than a traditional stand-alone self-storage facility. A new 4-story, 100,000 square foot building is proposed on the site that would offer a modeling and simulation center and office space on the ground floor with storage units provided on the upper floor. A proffered condition from the companion rezoning would limit the storage space to no more than 75% of the total building square footage.
The office space could attract more small businesses and workers to the Coliseum Central District, which is a policy that is detailed in the Community Plan [ED Policy 4]. Staff recommends that five (5) conditions be attached to the self-storage use permit to ensure the proposed land use action is executed properly. Based on the analysis of these applications, the proposed rezoning and use permit are consistent with the City’s goals and policies, as outlined in the Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended).
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with 5 conditions.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with 5 conditions.