Use Permit Application by Red Moon Partners, L.L.C., to Operate a Self-Storage Component of a Proposed Mixed-Use Development to Include Indoor Shooting Range, Self-Storage, Modeling & Simulation/Office, General Retail, and Restaurant with and without Drive-thru
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 19-00006 is a request to operate a self-storage component of a proposed multi-use development, which would also include an indoor shooting range, modeling & simulation/office, general retail, and restaurant with and without a drive-thru. The properties are located at 3200 Magruder Blvd. [LRSN 6000997] and 36 Research Drive [LRSN 6000996], which are located within the Langley Research and Development Park. This application accompanies Rezoning Application No. 19-00003 for all the proposed uses. Approval of this application and the accompanying Rezoning Application No. 19-00003 and Use Permit Application No. 19-00005, for an indoor shooting range.
The three (3) applications are tied together and staff’s analysis and recommendations are based on an understanding of the project as a single development that integrates multiple uses and multiple buildings. This proposal is appropriate for this location because it is a different dynamic than a traditional stand-alone self-storage facility. A new 4-story, 100,000 square foot building is proposed on the site that would offer a modeling and simulation center and office space on the ground floor with storage units provided on the upper floor. A proffered condition from the companion rezoning would limit the storage space to no more than 75% of the total building square footage.
The office space could attract more small businesses and workers to the Coliseum Central District, which is a policy that is detailed in the Community Plan [ED Policy 4]. Staff recommends that five (5) conditions be attached to the self-storage use permit to ensure the proposed land use action is executed properly. Based...
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