Use Permit Application by Pastor Gretchen Nelson to Permit a Commercial Day Care 2 Use Within the Church at 2510 and 2512 Armistead Ave. [LRSNs: 7001643 and 7001642]
Background Statement:
This is a use permit application by Pastor Gretchen Nelson to permit a commercial day care 2 use at 2510 and 2512 Armistead Ave., which is at the intersection with Tide Mill Ln. [LRSNs: 7001643 and 7001642]. The subject properties are currently occupied by a church use, of which 3 classrooms (908 sq. ft.) will be dedicated to the day care use Monday through Saturday. The proposed hours of operation are 9:00AM-12:30PM but City staff is recommending broader hours from 6:00AM-7:00PM for future operational flexibility.
The property is currently zoned Single-Family Residential (R-11) District, which does allow for a commercial day care 2 subject to securing a use permit. The surrounding neighborhood is zoned for single family residential uses as well, with many properties being occupied by public/semipublic uses, such as other religious facilities and a school. The subject properties lie in the Chesapeake Bay Preservation District, but no physical alterations to the site are being proposed other than a fence for the playground.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends public/semipublic uses for the subject properties along with several other properties in the near vicinity that front on Armistead Ave. and Tide Mill Ln. The policies in the City’s comprehensive plan related to this request signify the importance of Hampton supporting opportunities for high quality community services, as well as facilitating a greater partnership in the workforce by promoting quality day care services. This proposed commercial day care 2 facility is consistent with the Plan.
Staff recommends several conditions based on the proposed use’s operational characteristics. These conditions address concerns related to the playground enclosure and include regulations for sta...
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