Ordinance To Amend And Reenact Chapter 3 Of The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Hampton, Virginia Entitled “Uses Permitted” By Amending Sections 3-2 and 3-3 To Recodify The Use Table by Separating Standard Base Districts From Special Districts, Adding The New Zoning Districts Entitled Phoebus Town District (PH-2) And Phoebus Commercial Transition District (PH-3) To the Use Table, and Amending Section 3-3 Pertaining to Additional Standards On Permitted Uses Applicable To the PH-2 and PH-3 Districts
Background Statement:
Chapter 3 of the Zoning Ordinance governs uses permitted in the City. Specifically, this amendment will recodify the use table to separate standard base districts from special districts. With the City continuing to add more place specific special districts, staff believes the width of the table of permitted uses was becoming unwieldy. Separating the types of districts should make the ordinance more user friendly.
This amendment will also add two new categories to the special district table - the Phoebus Town District (PH-2) and the Phoebus Commercial Transition District (PH-3). The new PH-2 and PH-3 districts will have the same permitted uses as the existing Phoebus Urban Core (PH-1) district. The differences in the districts are found in proposed changes in other chapters and generally relate to the form based requirements for development in each.
While amending this particular section of the zoning ordinance, staff also recommends removing two uses as a house keeping measure. One of these uses is “religious facility, temporary tent revival” which should be removed because it is by definition temporary and potentially an accessory use rather than a primary use. As currently adopted temporary tent revival is only permitted by-right in the General Commercial (C-3) district and in the Rural One Family Residential (R-R) district with an approved use permit. Note that the use “religious facility” remains in the use table.
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